' This program exported from BASIC Anywhere Machine (Version [5.2.3].[2023.]) on 2024.02.06 at 03:33 (Coordinated Universal Time) ' BASIC Anywhere Machine program by CharlieJV ' mod of program by "JamesD" (original commented further below) ' found at https://atariage.com/forums/topic/218503-graphics-8-fedora-hat/?do=findComment&comment=3392254 SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(320,200,17) DIM RR(320) step_value = - 1 Another_DrawCycle: FOR I = 0 TO 320 : RR(I) = 193 : NEXT I XP = 144 : XR = 4.71238905 : XF = XR / XP color1 = INT( RND * 64 ) + 1 : color2 = INT( RND * 64 ) + 1 FOR ZI = 64 TO -64 STEP step_value ZT=ZI*2.25:ZS=ZT*ZT XL=INT(SQR(20736-ZS)+0.5) ZX=ZI+160:ZY=90+ZI FOR XI= 0 TO XL XT=SQR(XI*XI+ZS)*XF YY=(SIN(XT)+SIN(XT*3)*0.4)*56 X1=INT(XI+ZX):Y1=INT(ZY-YY) IF RR(X1)>Y1 THEN RR(X1)=Y1 : PSET(X1,Y1), color1 X1=ZX-XI IF RR(X1)>Y1 THEN RR(X1)=Y1 : PSET(X1,Y1), color2 NEXT XI SLEEP 0.025 NEXT ZI SLEEP 0.5 if step_value = -1 then step_value = -1.5 else step_value = -1 GOTO Another_DrawCycle ' 🟠🟠🟠ORIGINAL CODE ' 100 DIM RR(320) ' 110 GR 4 : COLOR 3,0,0 ' 120 FOR I=0 TO 320:RR(I)=193:NEXT I ' 130 XP=144:XR=4.71238905:XF=XR/XP ' 140 FOR ZI=64 TO -64 STEP -1 ' 150 ZT=ZI*2.25:ZS=ZT*ZT ' 160 XL=INT(SQR(20736-ZS)+0.5) ' 170 ZX=ZI+160:ZY=90+ZI ' 180 FOR XI=0 TO XL ' 190 XT=SQR(XI*XI+ZS)*XF ' 200 YY=(SIN(XT)+SIN(XT*3)*0.4)*56 ' 210 X1=int(XI+ZX):Y1=int(ZY-YY) ' 220 IF RR(X1)>Y1 THEN RR(X1)=Y1:SET(X1,Y1) ' 230 X1=ZX-XI ' 240 IF RR(X1)>Y1 THEN RR(X1)=Y1:SET(X1,Y1) ' 250 NEXT XI:NEXT ZI ' 260 GOTO 260